Installing Teclada

The Teclada host runtime works like an advanced sshd, but is much easier to set up. Pick the package manager/ platform below for your distro:

Need help? We're here any day of the week to assist. Reach out to us.


We support Ubuntu 20.04+, Debian 11+, Fedora 36+, and Linux Mint 20+. If you need packages for another distro, please contact us and let us know - so we can prioritize it.

apt (Debian, Ubuntu)

  1. Add the Teclada apt repo and install the teclada package.

    curl -s | sudo bash
    sudo apt install teclada
  2. Link this computer to your Teclada account:

    sudo teclada setup
  3. Go to to log in.

yum / dnf (Fedora)

  1. Add the rpm repo and install the teclada package. Substitute yum for dnf if you prefer.

    curl -s | sudo bash
    sudo yum install teclada
  2. Link this computer to your Teclada account:

    sudo teclada setup
  3. Go to to log in.


Automated package installation coming soon. Contact [email protected] for manual RHEL/CentOS instructions. We're happy to help you get started.

Manual installation

This installation method is not recommended. We have only prepared one manual installation package, based on the same files as the Ubuntu 22.04 release package. It should work with Ubuntu 22.04+ and Fedora 36+. If you need a manual installation package for another system, please contact us with your use-case.

  1. Download and install the package:

    curl -L --output teclada.tar.gz
    # Will install to the default location. You can change it if needed.
    sudo tar -xf teclada.tar.gz -C "$install_location"
  2. One time setup to link this computer to your Teclada account:

    sudo "$install_location/bin/teclada" setup
  3. Start Teclada:

    sudo nohup "$install_location/bin/teclada" &
  4. Go to to log in.


We support both Intel and Apple Silicon Macs.

Installing Homebrew (if needed)

Teclada is distributed via Homebrew. If you don't already have Homebrew installed, install it:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Installing Teclada

  1. Install the package:

    brew install teclada/teclada/teclada
  2. Link this computer to your Teclada account:

    sudo teclada setup
  3. Go to to log in.

Installing without Root

We recommend installing Teclada as root. But, installing it without root is possible. See These Instructions.

Installation Video

For those who prefer a more audiovisual experience.